Avertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?


In the current society, advertisements appear in every corner of our lives and we cannot live without seeing them. Therefore, we are influenced by them unconsciously and the impacts of them cannot be measured. There are pros and cons regarding to advertisements. In my opinion, harms brought about by them overweigh benefits.


I accept the fact that advertisements have brought us a lot of benefits. In the past, there was the limited number of media in the society, so only large corporations which had enough resources could spend money on advertisements. Then people could get information about only some products. But now, thanks to development in science and technology, people can know many products by TV, newspaper and the internet. They can compare products with each other, which is better for consumers.


But I argue that harms are much more than benefits. The most serious problem is that advertisements foster the trend of throwing away and consuming a large amount of products.Companies make efforts to make products and services look cool in advertisements and consumers are forcefully motivated to throw away old goods and buy new ones, which causes many environmental problems. And also people’s health is damaged by the environment polluted by human beings.


For reasons I mentioned above, I think that we need to pay more attention to harms caused by advertisements because our precious nature and health are the top priority. How should we stop this bad situation? This is one of the most important question we are faced with now. (254 words)





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